Logo Challenge Day 7: Fashion Brand Wordmark
There are a million different kinds of design out there, and often people talk about "logo design" as if all logos are designed in the same way, which obviously they are not. So when today's prompt came in a specified a wordmark design, I was stoked.
Day 7: Fashion Brand Wordmark
For anyone who isn't familiar with the term wordmark, it simply refers to a logo or branding mark that contains only typography. For anyone who doesn't know what typography is, at its most basic, it is essentially the art of arranging type to create language, but in a design sense, its the art of arranging type to create design itself.
For this logo, I knew I wanted something that could be both long and square, so I wanted a 4 letter word, meaning the I once again did not use any of the suggested names (OAKAO, Deities, Adams & Abigail). In the end I went with "LOUD", and if you're not sure why, we probably haven't met. Hi! I'm Bailey, I am a very loud person.
I started with a lovely serif font called Didot. I then completely revamped it, removing pieces of the letters and manipulating spacing. The result is a unique and clean typeface that is still readable despite a few missing lines.
For a logo like this, it's really important to know what it will actually look like out in the world, so I wanted to put together a small package mock up to better illustrate how clean and almost classic this wordmark is.
I was so excited to see a specific design technique called for in this prompt and I hope to see more! One thing I really hope to get out of this challenge is to flex my design muscles a little bit and use techniques I don't use everyday, and this certainly did that for me.