Logo Challenge Day 29: Ride Share
5 years ago if I needed to get somewhere I would call a cab then inevitably get into a cab that, not only is not my cab, but is an "independent cab" who insisted he was my cab, and that's not really ok. Now I just pull out my phone and I'm home safe.
Day 29: Ride Share logo
This prompt was particularly interesting or me because of how often I use ride sharing apps and how important I think available transportation is.
With Uber and Lyft dominating the market I wanted a logo that would evoke the idea of a cab to quickly communicate to users what the purpose of the app is. I ended up drawing on the checkers found on classic taxis.
Another important element here is what the app looks like on a phone. You can't have a complex. multicolor logo stuffed into an app icon, it always looks crowded, so for me, one color is always the way to go.
This challenge was similar to Music Listening App from Day 9. The logo needed to be simple for the app, but recognizable for it's utility.
Breaking into a trending market is extremely hard, and one of the ways an entrepreneur can break through the noise is with great branding!