Logo Challenge Day 46: Baby Clothes

Good branding starts young!

Day 46: Baby Clothes Logo

I have been to my fair share of baby showers and while buying gifts for my expecting friends I have noticed that the branding of baby products has grown up. Kids products are still bright and silly because they are trying to attract kids, but baby products are trying to attract adults.

Day 46 - Baby Clothes-01.png

I wanted to create a logo that was clean and grown-up while still eliciting an "aww" response. I focused on the cutest part of a baby, the feet and let that guide the design. 

Day 46 - Baby Clothes-02.png

I really like a logo that can be flexible and has elements that can be extrapolated out for additional logos. The foot could be either "s", or both! You can use it alone or with full text, there are so many options. 

Day 46 - Baby Clothes-03.png

I think this logo manages to pull on the "this is so cute" heart strings while maintaining a sleek, adult visual.