Logo Challenge Day 47: Juice Shop

Should a trendy concept get a trendy logo?

Day 47: Juice Shop Logo

Over the past few years in Pittsburgh Juice shops have been popping up everywhere! Most of them even deliver... When looking at a concept that is extremely trendy, should the logo be trendy too?

Day 47 - Juice Company-01.png

I decided to jump right into the trend pool with this one and use typography and double meanings as the main concept for this design, turning the "U" in the word "Slurp" into the juice glass. I opted for a straw that looks like a paper straw, but if that trend dies, you could always make the straw solid.

Day 47 - Juice Company-02.png

Though I did focus on the most acceptable trends, this logo isn't necessarily "evergreen", but then again, neither is the concept of a juice shop...

Day 47 - Juice Company-03.png

In the end, the logo looks like it belongs. It's simple and readable, which are the main focuses of any logo.